Sunday, June 21, 2009

September Song where are you?

Today is Sunday, Fathers' Day. Happy fathers day to all you fathers. I sure do miss mine. We are sitting at the Hinckley Yacht Services dock in Thunderbolt, just outside of Savannah, after traveling from our home dock to here today. Tomorrow September Song comes out of the water and will get her bottom redone, new zincs, and prop speed. (Makes you go fast)
When I last left you we were in Cumberland Island. We left Cumberland Island, anchored out one night about half way home, then the next day we arrived at our home dock in Georgia along with our buddy boat, Gypsies in the Palace. While we were there we took care of some business, lots of catch-up maintenance on September Song, deep cleaning, raw water impellers, strainers etc. you get the picture. The bottom is the last thing that needs to be done before we start our next adventure. Gypsies in the Palace will spend the week at our home dock doing boat maintenance, wax on, wax off, and alot of other things on their list, then we will meet up in Thunderbolt. Stay tuned and I will blog pictures of our baby out of the water, and then we (you and us) are off again exploring. Can't wait!

September Song (waiting to get our bottom powdered) out

The Sea of Grass in Georgia

It seems like it goes on forever

You know it's shallow when the birds are walking next to the channel marker

Georgia shrimper coming in with his catch
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