Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not good-bye, but see you next year

Today, we said good-by to Jay, Nancy, William, Judy, Bill, and Charlotte. (AKA The Bahama Bums minus two plus two) After hugs, kisses, and tears, September Song and Tides In cast off the lines in Marsh Harbour, and headed out on our first leg back to the States. We arrived around noon, anchored out at Manjack Cay, and had a wonderful last day on the beach and played in the crystal clear water. Our next leg starts tomorrow at 07:00, with a 24 hour leg to Fort Pierce, FL. It's so hard to leave our cruising friends and the Islands we love so much. We all have places to go, things to do, and new cruising adventures ahead of us that take us in different directions, but we know we will be together again somewhere on the water. Jay, Nancy, William and Judy are still in Marsh Harbour, waiting  for a new frig for Jay and Nancy's boat. They will be headed back to the States in a couple of days.
The reason I said "AKA the Bahama Bums minus two plus two" is because Steve and Kim (Maya) had to cut their trip short, because of a family issue back in the states. We sure did miss them, but word has it that they will be with us again next year. Charlotte and Bill (Omega) joined us on the tail end of our trip in the Abacos and we enjoyed them as an addition to the Bums.
While the Bahama Bums were here in the Islands, we have had several cruisers tag along with us from time to time, met lots of new cruising friends, and enjoyed the ten days Jesse and Brittany, Jay amd Nancy's Son and Daughter- in law, our adopted children, and Patti, our Daughter, who all the Bums made feel like she was one of their own. They were great to have as Bahama Bums with us.
 The weather hasn't been the best this year, but it was still a fun, exciting, and adventurous time in the Islands. We look forward to the day next spring, when September Song comes back to the Islands, and our driftwood sign on Boo Boo Hill, that we add another year to each year we return, sees us coming over the horizon, and welcomes us back.
Thanks for coming along through my blog. I hope you enjoyed you trip to our beloved Islands.
Don't jump ship yet! There's lots more adventures to come. We are headed North to New York, with lots of stops along the way, and we hope to make it as far as Maine.

September Song (another great year in the Islands) out

On Memorial Day, Phillis, one of the owners of Harbour View Marina, came out to the pool, and sang God Bless America to us. What a great job she did!

Stephen cut his finger, and needed four stitches. He needed to keep it dry. You tell me what Pam Used. We called it a thumbdom.
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